

This site hosts a list of events for the Trigun Fandom. Please use it as a directory.

The purpose of this site is to list Trigun events that are anti-harassment and anti-censorship concerning fictional content, and make others aware of events that fall outside of these guidelines. These guidelines follow under the "pro-ship" or "pro-fic" label, which means for shipping, "ship and let ship", and "don't like, don't read". If you want to know more about these topics, please read: Fanlore: Pro-shipper and Sam Aburime's Anti-Fan Archive.

For clarity on terms used on this site, "event" is used as an inclusive term for event weeks, zines, or any kind of fandom activity. Furthermore, "dead dove" is used to include themes such as incest, underage, and nonconsensual.

If you have any questions, please feel free to directly message in one of our social media accounts or here.